Dua to Become Rich and Famous

Dua To Become Rich And Famous

Dua To Become Rich And Famous

Another Dua To Become Rich And Famous using this dua make you Become Wealthy, Popular, Rich In One Night, Rich Beautiful And Presentable, Rich In One Sitting, Famous and Extremely Rich. in urdu people called this dua Ameer Banne Ki Dua, by this dua you can Earn More Money and Get Money Immediately.

Dua to Become Rich and Famous

Dua to Become Rich and Famous

In this world and after attaining an age, we all strive for money and fame. Money is like a fuel on which everything runs, from morning to nights each of us are looking for new and better ways to earn more and better and also in an easy way. After all, want for more is not a sin. Every man wants to provide better for his family, for his kids and in order to do so he works hard day and night. But to some people, wealth and fame comes easy, for example there are people half of your age earning double than you or people doing less work are earning better.

They say fame is a fickle thing and never stays with any one for long but there are people who continue to have fame for a long time. Celebrities all around us stays famous until they are dead but being famous doesn’t mean we all have to become a celebrity. Fame comes with our actions and mind you with good and genuine actions only.

With those actions which are intended to do well to others. If we genuinely follow an Islamic lifestyle, it won’t be difficult to find fame and you will naturally become famous. Islam prescribes us to do charity, be truthful and honest always stand in the help of the needy; with all these simple qualities and gestures you will automatically become famous. People will adore you and look up to you.

As it is always when you pray to Allah the almighty, do a sincere dua, ask for your betterment and seek a legitimate path. Thus, after seeing purity of your heart Allah will definitely grant your wishes. But, we should also know that no path is easy and nothing comes for free.

In this life, life is easy and rewarding only for those who know how to work hard. Ambani didn’t become Ambani in a day. So, do pray to god but also do your work and that too on time. As it is our tendency, for all our failures we blame others and Allah is often our favorite target.


Firstly, here is a dua for you which I do daily and it will definitely fulfill your legitimate desires.

Procedure to do the dua:-

After every Namaz, first read durood shareef and then, “Ya qazial hajaat” for 33 times and then again durood shareef and then pray with a genuine intention and Allah will surely deliver all your legitimate desires. In English it can be translated as “Oh, bestower of desires” and more literally translated as “Oh, judge of our needs”. Allah the Almighty knows us inside out and he will genuinely fulfill all our desires and not just grant our wants but knows what we truly needs.

Dua to Become Rich and Famous

Dua to Become Rich and Famous


Dua to become rich:-

Ghani is one of Allah’s names and Al Ghani itself means the rich one. As Allah is the self sufficient one and it is we who are dependent upon him, the one who recites this daily will not depend on others. His will see all the success in his business.

If you have a complaint that whatever you earn has no prosperity or not sufficient enough then you must recite, Ya Ghanio for eleven thousand times (11000) in the morning or in the evening in the day and make it a routine. You will definitely have riches come your way, your business will flourish.

As a muslim you should also know that Zakaat or charity is also one way towards wealth, as he who help others, feed them will be directly helped by Allah, his earnings will be doubled and his kids will never sleep a empty stomach.

Procedure to become rich from poor:

Scholar says if you recite Ya ghani for nineteen thousand times (19000) times on every Thursday then Allah will bless you with lot of blessing, will give you a lot and will turn your days.

There are many more duas to have a flourishing business for example you can also recite Surah Al Kafiruun, Surah An-Nasr, Surah Al-Ikhlaas, Surah Al Falaq and Surah An-Naas. you can recite these surahs to have a successful business and to become very rich. As our holy Prophet (PBUH) told Hazrat Zubair to recite these surahs to have very business and with the blessings of these surahs anyone can become very wealthy.

There one more dua which will make you rich and famous both:-

“Twakk kaltu Allal lahi, Al lazi laa yamuutu, alhamdulillahi Allazi Lamm Yat Takhiz, wa laduwaa lam yakullahu, sharikunn filmulki wa lam yakull lahu waa LiyummiNall izulli waa Kabiruhuu Takbirran”.

Recite this dua after sincerely making five times Namaaz and Allah will make you inshallah rich and famous.

Allah will always have your back if you promise to seek for his guidance in all your works, pray to him and keep in your heart the genuine desires. You should always keep in your mind that you can never expect to become rich by making anyone else poor, by gaining on somebody else’s hard work. Sooner or later you will be punished.

All our actions will be accounted for here only. The path of truth is always rewarding, no matter how hard it is, our prophet who is the guide of all the humanity took a difficult path and lived a simple life. How spiritually rich he was is of no comparison and his fame is unmatchable.

Every wealth doesn’t have to be a materialistic one. Truthfulness is the wealth of heart and simplicity is wealth of mind. Don’t be jealous of others or their riches, in the end you will get only what you deserve. It is our righteous actions which makes Allah happy and make him reward us in the unexpected ways. And remember, becoming rich and famous doesn’t mean others around you are nothing. It is expected of you to have a humble heart. Be kind to others and help the needy. May Allah Grant you wish. Ameen.

Dua For Becoming Extremely Rich

I want to be a rich guy as I have seen the people pay special attention to the extremely rich people. It’s my dream to enjoy life at the fullest and I get easily attracted towards the rich and luxurious life. Nothing can help me I know as I have tried so many ways and put my best efforts to fulfil my wish to be rich anyhow. tried my luck in so many businesses but I could not get a good response let alone the profit and success.

I have tried my luck in gambling and Lottery but once again the results were futile. I was never among the people who won the jackpot and huge money amount in the lottery. Is there any other way to be rich? Will it be possible to get the positive results in return for your hard work? How can I be extremely rich? I am sick of my poverty and this average life, now I need a way that can get me out of this poverty as I want to taste the success and a rich lifestyle.

If you are among such people who keep thinking the same way then you need to try an ultimate trick to be rich. We are talking about dua for becoming extremely rich. There are so many people who have experienced the magical results of reading dua for becoming extremely rich. You should also request Allah to help you find your way and make you rich.

If you rely on dua for becoming extremely rich and read it with fill devotion then Allah will accept this dua for becoming extremely rich and help you be successful in earning money in a various unexpected way.

Dua To Become Famous

Some people are mad about fame and they want to be famous. Most of the people have started so many new businesses and they are dealing in so many social welfare activities but still, they are not getting fame. If you are among the people who want to be famous for your deeds or name, then you have to work hard for it. You have to try some unique ways to get out of the boring and hidden life. You should try dua to become famous as only Allah offers fame, money and success. He is the only way to get what you want in life.

Every person has its own destiny written by Allah and he has the right to offer you a good and content life but you have to request him. In today’s era, everyone is seeking for attention and they keep doing so many things to make the people attracted towards their lives. We have seen so many such examples. Now people have started believing in the fact that without the wish and mercy of Allah nothing can be possible.

If you are striving for fame then you have to make Allah pleased with your efforts. You need to consult with a specialist or Molvi to get the right dua to become famous. If you get the right dua to become famous and read it in the right way, you will surely get connected with Allah. This dua to become famous will make Allah accept your wish to be famous?

You will surely experience some positive things be happening in your life after reading this dua to become famous in continuation for many days. This is all about your faith in almighty so you have to believe in dua to become famous.

Dua To Get Money Immediately

My EMI and credit cards bills have piled up and I need money immediately. me go through the sleepless nights as no option left. No one to lend me money or provide me with the way to earn it in a short span of time. So many other commitments but the scarcity of money is sucking me.

fed up with my life and these days I am feeling exhausted as I know money is very important and only cash can solve my life issues. I have been dealing with many other issues in my life due to lack of money, loans and much more. I seriously need the quick solution else I have to leave the city and family as well.

Money is very important and it plays an important role in making your life easier. If you are among the people who have been facing a financial crisis and in immediate need of money, then you should look for the dua to get money immediately.  Some people are really going through painful situations but you need not to worry about. You should look for dua to get money immediately.

This is the only way to make Allah look into your painful situation and offer you some mercy and love. If you get the right dua to get money immediately and read it wisely, then things will surely be wonderful and every circumstance will be in your favour. Only an expert Molvi suggest you the right dua to get money immediately and way to read it.

Only genuine people get the blessings of Allah as they read it with good intentions. We should believe in Allah and its creations.

Dua To Earn More Money

Getting money immediately is the dream of many. Some people earn money but this money is not sufficient as this amount of money goes off the air in just fulfilling the basic needs. They feel lack of funds so many times and they have to skip their plans for the trip, dining out, shopping and much more.

Some people want to send their kids in good and reputed schools but then they have to take steps back due to low income or no budget. They cannot afford such premium and top-rated schools and then they realize the need for earning more money. Some people put their best efforts to get the best results and earn more money but sometimes this hard work even gets wasted. Nowadays this is really hard to earn more money and fulfil all the wishes.

If you are among the people who can’t able to fulfil the wishes of your wife and kids. your parents are not so much demanding as they know you will not be able to bear these extra expenses, then this is sad. Sometimes you have to bear this pain as you can’t control the situation.

The need for money makes you helpless so many times, but you need not to lose hope. You should try dua to earn more money as it will bring so many good results. If your prayer is genuine and you are reciting it with full devotion and good intention, then you will surely get some ways to earn more money.

This dua to earn more money will surely be beneficial and you will experience the wonderful results. You will be rich in no time with the mercy of Allah, so don’t fret and try this dua to earn more money.

Dua To Become Rich In One Sitting

Money has become the only option as I have been dealing with so many issues. Financial crises have ruined my life already. I had worked with so many companies and earned lots of money that I had to spend in my marriage and home. Now I no jobs and options but home EMI and bills are hitting my mind.

need money on urgent basis. and i faced this phase so many times but that time I have alternatives but this time I have hopeless and option less. then I don’t know what to do. suddenly I seriously have no plans and future planning. and I am just expecting some sort of miracle that can help me get rich quickly.

Can it be possible to become rich quickly? Is there any solution to all my financial issue? Has anything nature left for me? Will I get a normal and good life? I ambushed up and now I need a solution.

No doubt, these thoughts are obvious and people get hopeless when they find nothing or no one to help them or resolve issues of their life associated with finance.  You have been facing a bad phase but still, you can try a simple and ultimate way to get a better life.

Must try dua to become rich in one sitting as this is the way that lends you to the home of Allah. You will be able to knock the door of Allah and ask him to provide you with the best way to be rich in one sitting.

need to consult with a Molvi to get right dua to become rich in one sitting and right procedure to read it. You will surely get results that will be wonderful and magical.

Dua To Become Rich Beautiful And Presentable

You are rich, beautiful and presentable, then what else you need to rock the world. Every woman wants to look beautiful and presentable but sometimes her poverty becomes the main hurdle in becoming presentable.

There are so many girls who are beautiful but they are not able to reflect their beauty as some cosmetics and makeup procedures are required to make you presentable and rock the world. You have to spend some money on expensive cloths and makeup artists so money is a great need of every woman.

Beauty and look play important role in getting good opportunities in life. If you want to enter in the modelling or marketing field, then this quality is a must. If you want to be an actress then also you need to look beautiful and presentable.

and If you want to be rich, beautiful and presentable, then you have to put your best efforts. Sometimes these efforts work while other times not. You have to pay attention to all the details that help achieve the objective of life.

You can rely on dua to become rich beautiful and presentable and try it to achieve your aim. If you are a genuine lady and want to try it for genuine or good intention then there is no risk in trying it.

With the help of dua to become rich beautiful and presentable, you can convince the Allah to allow you to enter in the world where you can rock with your money, beauty and looks. This cause seems genuine and Allah will surely help you but you have to read dua to become rich beautiful and presentable in the right manner. You should consult with an experienced Molvi to get the right Dua and way to read it.

Dua To Become Rich In One Night

We have so many dreams but now I am stuck with the need for money. My daughters want to take admission in the top-rated university and tomorrow are the last date of admission. I need money urgently as things will only be sorted out if I get money. If I would be a rich person,

my family would have not suffered from the scarcity of anything. Now I am tired with all this, I need money and I want to become rich in one night. Although I know, it is not going to happen, but only magic. Allah’s blessings can turn such impossible things into possible.

I have come across so many issues and got through it with the help of Allah’s blessings but now I have no options. I tried so many ways to fulfil the wishes of my family but always money becomes the hurdle.

Life becomes difficult when you see your loved ones not living life as per their own wishes and they are not even able to see the dreams. They have to set the limits when it comes to their dreams and objectives in life. Is there any solution to my issue? Will my family get the chance to enjoy their life and fulfil dreams?

Yes, it can be possible with the help of dua to become rich in one night. If you read the dua to become rich in one night in an amazing way and make Allah happy. then some magic will happen and your life will be a fairy tale.

Allah can see you in dilemma and understand your problems. You can convince him by trying dua to become rich in one night, remember nothing is impossible.

Ameer Banne Ki Dua

buy a home and live a luxurious life with my wife and kids. I have been living in poverty and facing financial issues since my childhood but now it is all about my kids. want my kids to have the same life I had. I don’t want to see them compromising on their dreams and wishes.

There are so many people who have to face this phase of life but I am really not ready to see my family facing such hurdles. If I would have been a rich guy, then problems and issues would have not been the same. Money is the real issue; I just need an ultimate way to manage it.

Can I get the right and genuine way to becoming rich? Is there any solution that can make my life better? Can I and my kids be rich? Can we change our destiny by putting some magical and extra ordinary efforts? Well, I don’t think so, this is quite tricky.

People start doubting their self-confidence, strength, courage and ability to change their destinies. But this is easy and tricky. If you are among such hopeless people looking for some magical tricks, then you should try ameer banne ki dua. Nothing can be more magical and effective than ameer banne ki dua.

This is the powerful tool and you can compel the supreme power of this universe to make the conditions favourable for you. Everything is already decided by Allah but he can change your destiny and offer you a wonderful life ahead. You have to get the right ameer banne ki dua and read it in the way that makes the Allah happy with your efforts. Your genuine approach will surely melt his heart and you will become rich with his blessings.

Dua To Become Popular

wanted to be a famous singer but my parents could not let me pursue my passion and I got married to someone who does not even value my dreams or passion. I strive for fame, popularity and name and this passion is increasing day by day. I want to become popular with my singing so I am planning to participate in the singing competition or pursue my dreams.

facing so many hurdles and I am not able to gather the courage to talk to my parents, husband and family members. Will it be possible for me to convince everyone? Can I be popular? What will be the best way to be famous?

Well, this happens to each and every person where he or she has to sacrifice his or her dreams. Situations vary and people stop thinking about their hobbies and passions. But some people really want to be famous for pursuing their passion. If you are good at anything and want to be famous for it, then nothing can stop you.

You have to take initiatives to make it possible. If you have already tried each and every possible trick and nothing worked, then we have the best solution for your problem. You should try dua to become popular as this is something like knocking the door of Allah for help.

If you are a genuine person and use this dua to become popular only for good intention, then you will surely get magical results. You will get new opportunities that help get popularity and recognition. This will be the only way that proves helpful and you should not try to read this dua to become popular for any bad intention or cause.

Dua To Become Wealthy

I am an ambitious person and I need each and everything in life. My needs and dreams are kings sized so my efforts. I don’t belong to the rich family but still, I have so many dreams and wishes.  want to look gorgeous so I am doing a job to earn money so that I can fulfil my wishes. have been working for so many years and now I have become a permanent earning member of my family but I am not happy with my salary.

am still not able to fulfill the wishes of my family including me. I have tried each and every possible and genuine way to earn more but things are not working. Will I have to use some unethical way to be wealthy? Is there any other and ultimate way to become wealthy? Can you suggest me the way to earn money and become extremely rich?

We can understand why these obvious questions are hitting your mind, but you have to believe that Allah is responsible for all these circumstances. If you are not rich or wealthy then this is the wish of Allah. If you want to be wealthy, then you have to make Allah think like that.

May you should knock Allah’s door with the help of dua to become wealthy. This way of making Allah listen to your prayer in the form of spiritual words will surely prove helpful. He will understand your wish and try to fulfil it. Remember, you have to try this dua to become wealthy with good intention else results may be risky.

Allah knows everything and if you are genuine, then only you will get genuine results. so go for dua to become wealthy and see the magical results. You will be wealthy soon.

Wazifa To Get Success in everything